The Evil That Men Do

Income inequality and the offshore hoarding of illicit black funds have reached such extremes that the earth’s democracies are in peril. The oligarchs are taking over. The people worldwide, however, are rising up, and they demand that the UN seize and redistribute all that illegal filthy lucre. But it will not be easy. The world’s ultra-rich super-villains will not go gentle.
Mikhail Putilov, Russia’s strongman; J. T. Tower, the American president, and Wahid al-Waheed, the Saudi Ambassador to the US will do anything to stop and destroy this global expropriation moment—even if it means nuking the UN. Only three people can stop them: the crusading, muckraking, investigative journalist, Jules Meredith; ex-CIA agent, Elena Moreno; and her boyfriend, the ex-Special Forces Operative turned cybersecurity billionaire, John C. Jameson. If these three fail, the nuclear fireballs will blaze; democracies around the world will die; the UN will burn, and the Age of the Great Global Oligarchs will begin.
Praise for The Evil That Men Do
“In this age of mind-numbing and dumbed-down political correctness, it’s encouraging to see that Robert Gleason doesn’t give a s**t. A rare novelist who has the talent and the cojones to say what others only dimly perceive or refuse to believe, he really pushes it to its limits. And by the way, any resemblance in this book to powerful persons, living or dead, is . . . not a coincidence. In another age, or another country, Gleason would be . . . in hiding, prison or dead. As an added bonus, this is a hell of a thriller that will keep you entertained and laughing your ass off.”
-- Nelson DeMille, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Cuban Affair
“I’m almost at a loss for words to describe The Evil that Men Do—almost, but not quite. Outrageous comes to mind, along with brazen, offensive, hilarious, crazy, scurrilous, wicked — and, above all, entertaining beyond all measure. This is a pulse-pounding page-turner so hot it’s on fire, lofted to us on updrafts from hell itself. The reader will have great fun connecting the thinly-disguised panoply of creeps, mountebanks, hucksters, politicos, and megastars in the novel with the actual people they are and with a dark wit so biting it decapitates. Thank god for the First Amendment, because otherwise, Gleason would be enjoying Happy Hour with a three-drug cocktail in Atlanta Fed or Leavenworth.”
-- Douglas Preston, #1 bestselling author of The Kraken Mission
“Run, Gleason, run. The witness protection program cannot save you. You have speared too many of the powerful and the pretentious with your wicked wit and implacable need to tell the truth. Trump and Putin will be especially furious. Those two will hunt you down like a dog. Guantanamo will be a Club Med or Sandals Luxury Resort Vacation compared to their untender mercies and maniacal ministrations. So adios, it was fun knowing you. Also thanks for living long enough to give us a nerve-fraying, throat-clutching, keep-you-up-all-night thriller, a work of fiction forged in hell!”
-- William Cohen, former US Defense Secretary and New York Times bestselling author of Final Strike
“Robert Gleason goes straight for the jugular in his latest novel, The Evil That Men Do. Lurking behind the characters’ thinly-veiled pseudonyms are the thugs, celebrities, and superstars who dominate today's headlines: Trump, Putin, Jim Comey, and Bill Maher are all there in effigy, primed and skewered, waiting to be burned. Unfortunately for Gleason, I doubt this bunch will take his assault lying down. His targets will want him drawn and quartered after reading this book . . . except perhaps Bill Maher, whose literary avatar finds himself kidnapped, tortured, then lewdly and lasciviously seduced by two gorgeous female Islamist terrorists. And then there’s Jules Meredith, the intrepid reporter who exposes Trump—I mean, J. T. Tower—and his band of billionaire black-money political donors, including Vladimir Putin . . . or rather Mikhail Putilov. Could Jules’ book, Filthy Lucre, have been inspired by Jane Mayer’s Dark Money? Those with no upside include Trump, Putin, and Comey: they will be furious, and likely won’t rest till they’re stretching Gleason's hide on a high rack and seeing his deeply troubled soul in hell. The only question is who will get to him first? Given the limitations of Twitter, my money is on Vladimir Putin—a.k.a. Mikhail Putilov. Were I Gleason, I’d be checking my beer for the pungent tang of Polonium-210 for the rest of my life . . . however brief and tenuous a span that might prove to be. In sum, Gleason, it's a nuclear bombshell of a book--a heart-pounding, mind-blowing rollercoaster of a ride . . . and, I hasten to add, side-splittingly funny!”
-- Ward Larsen, USA Today bestselling of Cutting Edge and winner of six major literary awards
“Bombs away! Look out below! Pull up your boot straps! And run for cover! Bob Gleason offends . . . everyone. He might even offend you too, but he’ll entertaining the hell out of you at the same time, because this book is a rare thing: A blood-curdling thriller, too, written with a kind of headlong verbal velocity that makes it impossible to put down. Read it. Tonight. But remember, ANY resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.”
-- William Martin, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Lincoln Letter
“The Evil that Men Do is brilliant—as topical as the president’s next twitter rant or press release. If Trump and Putin don’t murder Gleason within weeks of publication, it will be a miracle. This book impales and offends everyone with equal opportunity and laser-like accuracy. It's fascinating how over-the-top absurdity strikes far too close to reality. Read it and see how many characters you recognize.”
-- Larry Bond, New York Times bestselling author of Fatal Thunder
“As bold a book as you'll find this year, The Evil That Men Do combines a thrilling, right-in-the-moment epic with a profound grasp of global issues. Gleason writes with tremendous energy and flair, and the velocity of the plot, combined with devilish characterizations and insider savvy, competes easily with the most vivid headlines of our time. A lion's roar of a book that recalls the great adventure novels of the past--while remaining powerfully contemporary. Well done!”
-- Ralph Peters, three-time winner of the Boyd Award and the New York Times bestselling author of Judgment at Appomattox
“As always, Gleason stays ahead of the pack, firing on all cylinders, with a take-no-prisoners-attitude. This one isn’t inspired by the headlines, IT IS THE HEADLINES.”
-- Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author of The Lost Order